ファイレクシアの変形者/Phyrexian Metamorph [2XM]
作り直し/Reshape [2XM]
思考の反射/Thought Reflection [2XM]
発想の井戸/Well of Ideas [2XM]
むかつき/Ad Nauseam [2XM]
不穏の標/Beacon of Unrest [2XM]
死の影/Death's Shadow [2XM]
ボーラスの信奉者/Disciple of Bolas [2XM]
宿命のネクロマンサー/Doomed Necromancer [2XM]
深淵の大魔術師/Magus of the Abyss [2XM]
意志の大魔術師/Magus of the Will [2XM]
貪欲な罠/Ravenous Trap [2XM]
回収するタイタン/Salvage Titan [2XM]
スカースダグの高僧/Skirsdag High Priest [2XM]
思考囲い/Thoughtseize [2XM]
毒の濁流/Toxic Deluge [2XM]
傷の反射/Wound Reflection [2XM]
冒涜の行動/Blasphemous Act [2XM]
血染めの月/Blood Moon [2XM]
クラガンウィックの死体焼却者/Cragganwick Cremator [2XM]
二重詠唱の魔道士/Dualcaster Mage [2XM]
ゴブリンの先達/Goblin Guide [2XM]
山賊の頭、伍堂/Godo, Bandit Warlord [2XM]
渋面の溶岩使い/Grim Lavamancer [2XM]
熱の陽炎/Heat Shimmer [2XM]
電離の嵐/Ion Storm [2XM]
怒りの反射/Rage Reflection [2XM]
横揺れの地震/Rolling Earthquake [2XM]
探検家タクタク/Tuktuk the Explorer [2XM]
目覚めの領域/Awakening Zone [2XM]
血胞子のトリナクス/Bloodspore Thrinax [2XM]
ラムホルトの勇者/Champion of Lambholt [2XM]
召喚の調べ/Chord of Calling [2XM]
踏査/Exploration [2XM]
よりよい品物/Greater Good [2XM]
春の鼓動/Heartbeat of Spring [2XM]
絡み森の主/Liege of the Tangle [2XM]
マナの反射/Mana Reflection [2XM]
貴族の教主/Noble Hierarch [2XM]
巫師の天啓/Shamanic Revelation [2XM]
テラストドン/Terastodon [2XM]
スラーグ牙/Thragtusk [2XM]
まどろむ島、アリクスメテス/Arixmethes, Slumbering Isle [2XM]
悪意の大梟/Baleful Strix [2XM]
テルカーの技師、ブルーディクラッド/Brudiclad, Telchor Engineer [2XM]
ファルケンラスの貴種/Falkenrath Aristocrat [2XM]
大爆発の魔道士/Fulminator Mage [2XM]
航行長ハナ/Hanna, Ship's Navigator [2XM]
ウェザーライトの艦長、ジョイラ/Jhoira, Weatherlight Captain [2XM]
大渦の脈動/Maelstrom Pulse [2XM]
クロールの死の僧侶、マジレク/Mazirek, Kraul Death Priest [2XM]
翻弄する魔道士/Meddling Mage [2XM]
無慈悲な追い立て/Merciless Eviction [2XM]
前駆ミミック/Progenitor Mimic [2XM]
贖われし者、ライズ/Rhys the Redeemed [2XM]
野蛮生まれのハイドラ/Savageborn Hydra [2XM]
覇者シャルム/Sharuum the Hegemon [2XM]
速太刀の擁護者/Swiftblade Vindicator [2XM]
時の篩/Time Sieve [2XM]
難問の鎮め屋/Vexing Shusher [2XM]