屍合成/Necrosynthesis [MID]
流城の血泥棒/Stromkirk Bloodthief [MID]
復讐に燃えた絞殺者/Vengeful Strangler [MID]
安堵の火葬/Cathartic Pyre [MID]
牙刃の盗賊/Fangblade Brigand [MID]
炎の媒介者/Flame Channeler [MID]
月の激情/Lunar Frenzy [MID]
偏執的な天文学者/Obsessive Astronomer [MID]
火遊び/Play with Fire [MID]
浄化するドラゴン/Purifying Dragon [MID]
嵐の捕縛/Seize the Storm [MID]
ルーン綴りの絵描き/Spellrune Painter [MID]
熱錬金術師/Thermo-Alchemist [MID]
村の見張り番/Village Watch [MID]
ヴォルダーレンの伏兵/Voldaren Ambusher [MID]
群れの織り手/Brood Weaver [MID]
筋骨隆々の破壊者/Burly Breaker [MID]
直接射撃/Clear Shot [MID]
曲芸師の一座/Contortionist Troupe [MID]
ドーンハルトの導師/Dawnhart Mentor [MID]
シボウタケの若芽/Deathbonnet Sprout [MID]
セレスタス防衛/Defend the Celestus [MID]
ドライアドの蘇生/Dryad's Revival [MID]
猟犬調教師/Hound Tamer [MID]
辺境地の罠外し/Outland Liberator [MID]
蟻の隆盛/Rise of the Ants [MID]
掘り返し/Turn the Earth [MID]
秘儀の注入/Arcane Infusion [MID]
縫込み刃のスカーブ/Bladestitched Skaab [MID]
継ぎ接ぎ死体/Corpse Cobble [MID]
ドーンハルトの管理人/Dawnhart Wardens [MID]
意気盛んな墓守り/Devoted Grafkeeper [MID]
戦墓の再誕/Diregraf Rebirth [MID]
信仰の繕い/Faithful Mending [MID]
肉削ぎ屋/Fleshtaker [MID]
灰色熊のグール/Grizzly Ghoul [MID]
貪欲な食欲/Hungry for More [MID]
踊りへの参加/Join the Dance [MID]
ケッシグの自然主義者/Kessig Naturalist [MID]
忘却の儀式/Rite of Oblivion [MID]
根のとぐろの忍び寄るもの/Rootcoil Creeper [MID]
聖なる火/Sacred Fire [MID]
嵐のスクリーリクス/Storm Skreelix [MID]
日の出の騎兵/Sunrise Cavalier [MID]
不自然な月の出/Unnatural Moonrise [MID]
吸血鬼の社交家/Vampire Socialite [MID]
冬茨の祝福/Winterthorn Blessing [MID]
月銀の鍵/Moonsilver Key [MID]
神秘の頭蓋骨/Mystic Skull [MID]
廃墟の地/Field of Ruin [MID]
された反抗/Blessed Defiance [MID]
蝋燭罠/Candletrap [MID]
聖戦士の奇襲兵/Cathar Commando [MID]
クラリオン吹きの聖戦士/Clarion Cathars [MID]
ほとばしる信仰/Flare of Faith [MID]
ガヴォニーの銀鍛冶師/Gavony Silversmith [MID]
ガヴォニーの罠師/Gavony Trapper [MID]
農家の勇気/Homestead Courage [MID]
月皇の古参兵/Lunarch Veteran [MID]
捜索隊の隊長/Search Party Captain [MID]