安全の加護/Boon of Safety [SNC]
斡旋屋一家の新入り/Brokers Initiate [SNC]
集まる群衆/Gathering Throng [SNC]
鼓舞する監視者/Inspiring Overseer [SNC]
必殺の一射/Kill Shot [SNC]
ラフィーンの導き/Raffine's Guidance [SNC]
ラフィーンの密通者/Raffine's Informant [SNC]
空の叫び屋/Sky Crier [SNC]
裏通りの暴れ者/Backstreet Bruiser [SNC]
斡旋屋一家の古参/Brokers Veteran [SNC]
軽蔑的な一撃/Disdainful Stroke [SNC]
捨て石の従僕/Expendable Lackey [SNC]
壮麗なる変化/Majestic Metamorphosis [SNC]
かき消し/Make Disappear [SNC]
超常使いの詮索者/Psionic Snoop [SNC]
屋上の迷惑/Rooftop Nuisance [SNC]
警備の抜け道/Security Bypass [SNC]
証人保護/Witness Protection [SNC]
堕落した廷臣/Corrupt Court Official [SNC]
歪んだ守衛/Crooked Custodian [SNC]
殺しの競技者/Cutthroat Contender [SNC]
悪魔の本分/Demon's Due [SNC]
屍体の掘り起こし/Dig Up the Body [SNC]
真実の抽出/Extract the Truth [SNC]
死の偽装/Fake Your Own Death [SNC]
橋桁のうすのろ/Girder Goons [SNC]
貴顕廊一家への入団/Join the Maestros [SNC]
貴顕廊一家の新入り/Maestros Initiate [SNC]
真夜中の暗殺者/Midnight Assassin [SNC]
殺害/Murder [SNC]
大勝ち/Big Score [SNC]
果敢な逃亡/Daring Escape [SNC]
表舞台の奇術師/Exhibition Magician [SNC]
黄金犬/Goldhound [SNC]
着火/Light 'Em Up [SNC]
騒乱の巡回者/Mayhem Patrol [SNC]
プラズマの操作手/Plasma Jockey [SNC]
盗み癖/Sticky Fingers [SNC]
絞殺/Strangle [SNC]
機知ある怨怒取り/Witty Roastmaster [SNC]
壊れた翼/Broken Wings [SNC]
舞台座一家の新入り/Cabaretti Initiate [SNC]
カルダイヤの力自慢/Caldaia Strongarm [SNC]
カペナ特急/Capenna Express [SNC]
市民の庭師/Civic Gardener [SNC]
一家のために/For the Family [SNC]
宝石泥棒/Jewel Thief [SNC]
最重要指名手配/Most Wanted [SNC]
賭け試合/Prizefight [SNC]
温かい歓迎/Warm Welcome [SNC]
殺人魔/Body Dropper [SNC]
天界の整調者/Celestial Regulator [SNC]
妖艶な無法者/Glamorous Outlaw [SNC]
覆面の匪賊/Masked Bandits [SNC]
放蕩の歓楽者/Rakish Revelers [SNC]
砕かれた熾天使/Shattered Seraph [SNC]
詮索する新聞記者/Snooping Newsie [SNC]
スパーラの審判者/Spara's Adjudicators [SNC]
光素のスカラベ/Halo Scarab [SNC]
不吉な小包/Ominous Parcel [SNC]