月揺らしの騎兵隊/Moonshaker Cavalry [WOE]
忠義の徳目/Virtue of Loyalty [WOE]
驢馬面の悪ふざけ/Asinine Antics [WOE]
知識の徳目/Virtue of Knowledge [WOE]
忌まわしき干渉者、アショク/Ashiok, Wicked Manipulator [WOE]
鏡に願いを/Beseech the Mirror [WOE]
執念の徳目/Virtue of Persistence [WOE]
王国焦がしのヘルカイト/Realm-Scorcher Hellkite [WOE]
勇気の徳目/Virtue of Courage [WOE]
開花の亀/Blossoming Tortoise [WOE]
強靭の徳目/Virtue of Strength [WOE]
穢れの大釜、アガサ/Agatha of the Vile Cauldron [WOE]
魔法の林檎のエリエット/Eriette of the Charmed Apple [WOE]
氷冠のヒルダ/Hylda of the Icy Crown [WOE]
戦争の世継ぎ、ローアン/Rowan, Scion of War [WOE]
慈愛の王、タリオン/Talion, the Kindly Lord [WOE]
平和の世継ぎ、ウィル/Will, Scion of Peace [WOE]
ベルーナ・グランドスコール/Beluna Grandsquall [WOE]
フェイの血筋のケラン/Kellan, the Fae-Blooded [WOE]
アガサの魂の大釜/Agatha's Soul Cauldron [WOE]
野薔薇のアルコン/Archon of the Wild Rose [WOE]
侵入者の放逐/Expel the Interlopers [WOE]
威厳あるバニコーン/Regal Bunnicorn [WOE]
呪文書売り/Spellbook Vendor [WOE]
歴史に刻む物語/A Tale for the Ages [WOE]
三匹の盲目ネズミ/Three Blind Mice [WOE]
人狐のボディガード/Werefox Bodyguard [WOE]
超常の旅/Extraordinary Journey [WOE]
遠見の儀式/Farsight Ritual [WOE]
有角の湖鯨/Horned Loch-Whale [WOE]
創意の神童/Ingenious Prodigy [WOE]
眠り呪いのフェアリー/Sleep-Cursed Faerie [WOE]
タリオンの伝書使/Talion's Messenger [WOE]
一巻の終わり/The End [WOE]
ガムドロップの毒殺者/Gumdrop Poisoner [WOE]
リッチの騎士の征服/Lich-Knights' Conquest [WOE]
下水王、駆け抜け侯/Lord Skitter, Sewer King [WOE]
駆け抜け侯の祝福/Lord Skitter's Blessing [WOE]
ランクルのいたずら/Rankle's Prank [WOE]
必滅の死霊/Specter of Mortality [WOE]
悪意ある呪詛術士/Spiteful Hexmage [WOE]
もつれる群体/Tangled Colony [WOE]
魅力的な悪漢/Charming Scoundrel [WOE]
大食い戦争/Food Fight [WOE]
擬態する歓楽者、ゴドリック/Goddric, Cloaked Reveler [WOE]
紅蓮鎚、イモデーン/Imodane, the Pyrohammer [WOE]
怒り狂う戦闘ネズミ/Raging Battle Mouse [WOE]
レッドキャップのどぶ住まい/Redcap Gutter-Dweller [WOE]
ロティサリーの精/Rotisserie Elemental [WOE]
トーテンタンズの歌/Song of Totentanz [WOE]
木苺の使い魔/Bramble Familiar [WOE]
エルフの文書管理人/Elvish Archivist [WOE]
野生との遭遇/Feral Encounter [WOE]
荒々しい三つ子/Gruff Triplets [WOE]
狩人の贖罪/The Huntsman's Redemption [WOE]
失われし伝承の歩哨/Sentinel of Lost Lore [WOE]
雷落としの幕開け/Thunderous Debut [WOE]
見習いの愚行/The Apprentice's Folly [WOE]
フォーン忌みのトロール/Faunsbane Troll [WOE]
ガチョウの母/The Goose Mother [WOE]