アルコンの栄光/Archon's Glory [WOE]
武器庫のネズミ/Armory Mice [WOE]
恋に落ちた騎士/Besotted Knight [WOE]
魔法破り/Break the Spell [WOE]
取り籠め/Cooped Up [WOE]
霜橋の護衛/Frostbridge Guard [WOE]
希望ある祈祷/Hopeful Vigil [WOE]
ケランの光刃/Kellan's Lightblades [WOE]
武勇の時/Moment of Valor [WOE]
冬への没入/Plunge into Winter [WOE]
庇う両親/Protective Parents [WOE]
勝利者の帰還/Return Triumphant [WOE]
眠りの救済者/Savior of the Sleeping [WOE]
まどろむ砦番/Slumbering Keepguard [WOE]
謙虚な賢者/Unassuming Sage [WOE]
水生まれの錬金術師/Aquatic Alchemist [WOE]
縮小術の魔女/Diminisher Witch [WOE]
氷封/Ice Out [WOE]
フェイの宮廷へ/Into the Fae Court [WOE]
ジョハンの一時凌ぎ/Johann's Stopgap [WOE]
生ける書見台/Living Lectern [WOE]
嘲笑するスプライト/Mocking Sprite [WOE]
速足の学び/Quick Study [WOE]
手練/Sleight of Hand [WOE]
罠名人のスプライト/Snaremaster Sprite [WOE]
呪文どもり/Spell Stutter [WOE]
ストームケルドのこそ泥/Stormkeld Prowler [WOE]
ヴァントレスの変成者/Vantress Transmuter [WOE]
水の翼/Water Wings [WOE]
墳丘のいたずら好き/Barrow Naughty [WOE]
がぶりんご飴/Candy Grapple [WOE]
自惚れた魔女/Conceited Witch [WOE]
エリエットの囁き/Eriette's Whisper [WOE]
大釜への給餌/Feed the Cauldron [WOE]
不吉な騎手/Fell Horseman [WOE]
望み無き悪夢/Hopeless Nightmare [WOE]
不気ミント/Mintstrosity [WOE]
まだ死んでいない/Not Dead After All [WOE]
密告/Rat Out [WOE]
ローアンの陰惨な調査/Rowan's Grim Search [WOE]
襲クリーム/Scream Puff [WOE]
シュガーラッシュ/Sugar Rush [WOE]
甘歯村の魔女/Sweettooth Witch [WOE]
大食の害獣/Voracious Vermin [WOE]
倉庫の虎猫/Warehouse Tabby [WOE]
忌まわしき訪問者/Wicked Visitor [WOE]
特注の戦闘装束/Bespoke Battlegarb [WOE]
エッジウォールの群れ/Edgewall Pack [WOE]
コイン弾き/Flick a Coin [WOE]
荒ぶる炎の稲妻/Frantic Firebolt [WOE]
かじりつく大合唱/Gnawing Crescendo [WOE]
がめつい巨人/Grabby Giant [WOE]
攻め立てられる槍護衛/Harried Spearguard [WOE]
火がつく義烈/Kindled Heroism [WOE]
愉快な吟遊詩人/Merry Bards [WOE]
ネズミ捕りの見習い/Ratcatcher Trainee [WOE]
レッドキャップの盗賊/Redcap Thief [WOE]
塔の点火/Torch the Tower [WOE]
物騒なカタパルト/Unruly Catapult [WOE]
魔女の印/Witch's Mark [WOE]