たなびき飲みの吸血鬼/Wispdrinker Vampire [MKM]
中止 + 停止/Cease + Desist [MKM]
浮き荷 + 捨て荷/Flotsam + Jetsam [MKM]
空騒ぎ + 大騒ぎ/Fuss + Bother [MKM]
押し合い + 圧し合い/Hustle + Bustle [MKM]
押し出し + 引き抜き/Push + Pull [MKM]
のし歩く洗濯物/Lumbering Laundry [MKM]
磁力の鼻鳴らし/Magnetic Snuffler [MKM]
ヴィトゥ=ガジーの枝/Branch of Vitu-Ghazi [MKM]
犯行現場/Scene of the Crime [MKM]
吉報の訪れ/Auspicious Arrival [MKM]
内通者/Inside Source [MKM]
次の一手/Make Your Move [MKM]
その場しのぎの束縛/Makeshift Binding [MKM]
ひよっこ捜査員/Novice Inspector [MKM]
仮面の裏/Behind the Mask [MKM]
犯罪阻止のスプライト/Crimestopper Sprite [MKM]
推理/Deduce [MKM]
凍らせ/Out Cold [MKM]
妥当な疑惑/Reasonable Doubt [MKM]
許可なき脱出/Unauthorized Exit [MKM]
路地の通り魔/Alley Assailant [MKM]
脳の没収/Cerebral Confiscation [MKM]
自白勧告/Extract a Confession [MKM]
死の再構築/Macabre Reconstruction [MKM]
殺害/Murder [MKM]
常習犯/Repeat Offender [MKM]
闇討ち/Slice from the Shadows [MKM]
うなる大殺犬/Snarling Gorehound [MKM]
毒素の分析/Toxin Analysis [MKM]
無節操な探偵社員/Unscrupulous Agent [MKM]
答えの要求/Demand Answers [MKM]
罪深き憤怒/Felonious Rage [MKM]
通電/Galvanize [MKM]
機械壊しのオランウータン/Gearbane Orangutan [MKM]
ゴブリンの仮面職人/Goblin Maskmaker [MKM]
参考人/Person of Interest [MKM]
赤ニシン/Red Herring [MKM]
ショック/Shock [MKM]
疑惑の爆発/Suspicious Detonation [MKM]
犯罪への噛みつき/Bite Down on Crime [MKM]
狂信の力/Fanatical Strength [MKM]
ロクソドンの盗聴者/Loxodon Eavesdropper [MKM]
神経質な庭師/Nervous Gardener [MKM]
毒を選べ/Pick Your Poison [MKM]
瓦礫帯の異端者/Rubblebelt Maverick [MKM]
人道に対する膿/Slime Against Humanity [MKM]
こっちに行ったぞ/They Went This Way [MKM]
装飾庭園の豹/Topiary Panther [MKM]
トンネルの情報提供者/Tunnel Tipster [MKM]
ヴィトゥ=ガジーの捜査員/Vitu-Ghazi Inspector [MKM]
犬の散歩者/Dog Walker [MKM]
利器の技師/Gadget Technician [MKM]
放蕩の悪漢/Rakish Scoundrel [MKM]
裂け目破りのヘリオン/Riftburst Hellion [MKM]
血滴りの救済者/Sanguine Savior [MKM]
墓石の徘徊者/Gravestone Strider [MKM]
拡大鏡/Magnifying Glass [MKM]
衛生管理用自動機械/Sanitation Automaton [MKM]
脱出トンネル/Escape Tunnel [MKM]