徴税の大天使/Archangel of Tithes [OTJ]
最後の決戦/Final Showdown [OTJ]
倍賭け/Double Down [OTJ]
肉大工、ゲラルフ/Geralf, the Fleshwright [OTJ]
再覚醒したジェイス/Jace Reawakened [OTJ]
厄介者、ギサ/Gisa, the Hellraiser [OTJ]
すりのチビボネ/Tinybones, the Pickpocket [OTJ]
峰の恐怖/Terror of the Peaks [OTJ]
棘を播く者、逆棘のビル/Bristly Bill, Spine Sower [OTJ]
金脈のハイドラ/Goldvein Hydra [OTJ]
鉄道の喧嘩屋/Railway Brawler [OTJ]
百戦錬磨、アニー・フラッシュ/Annie Flash, the Veteran [OTJ]
同化の神盾/Assimilation Aegis [OTJ]
荒野の鏡、ギレッド/Ghired, Mirror of the Wilds [OTJ]
貪欲な乗りもの、ギトラグ/The Gitrog, Ravenous Ride [OTJ]
ケラン・ザ・キッド/Kellan, the Kid [OTJ]
首謀者、オーコ/Oko, the Ringleader [OTJ]
用心棒、ラクドス/Rakdos, the Muscle [OTJ]
熱心な先駆者、セルヴァラ/Selvala, Eager Trailblazer [OTJ]
静める者、ヴラスカ/Vraska, the Silencer [OTJ]
もう一杯ずつ/Another Round [OTJ]
エイヴンの阻む者/Aven Interrupter [OTJ]
乗っ取り屋/Claim Jumper [OTJ]
砂塵の憎悪/Dust Animus [OTJ]
忠実な馬、フォーチュン/Fortune, Loyal Steed [OTJ]
真昼の決闘/High Noon [OTJ]
最後の仕事/One Last Job [OTJ]
大魔導師のイモリ/Archmage's Newt [OTJ]
精神の決闘者/Duelist of the Mind [OTJ]
牧場の迷い子、フブルスプ/Fblthp, Lost on the Range [OTJ]
宝物庫の鍵/The Key to the Vault [OTJ]
世界を跨ぐ一歩/Step Between Worlds [OTJ]
冷静なスフィンクス/Stoic Sphinx [OTJ]
三歩先/Three Steps Ahead [OTJ]
腐食の荒馬/Caustic Bronco [OTJ]
限りない強欲/Insatiable Avarice [OTJ]
懲罰者、ケアヴェク/Kaervek, the Punisher [OTJ]
無慈悲な殺戮/Pitiless Carnage [OTJ]
戦慄の奔出/Rush of Dread [OTJ]
チビボネの加入/Tinybones Joins Up [OTJ]
新たな血族、ヴァドミル/Vadmir, New Blood [OTJ]
早駆ける業火、カラミティ/Calamity, Galloping Inferno [OTJ]
大規模な列車強盗/Great Train Heist [OTJ]
地獄の反動/Hell to Pay [OTJ]
地獄拍車団の統領/Hellspur Posse Boss [OTJ]
財宝使い、マグダ/Magda, the Hoardmaster [OTJ]
精鋭射手団の目立ちたがり/Slickshot Show-Off [OTJ]
刺し背の恐怖/Stingerback Terror [OTJ]
巨大なガラガラワーム/Colossal Rattlewurm [OTJ]
自由放浪団の見張り/Freestrider Lookout [OTJ]
気性の荒いタンブルワグ/Ornery Tumblewagg [OTJ]
荒野無頼団の先駆者/Outcaster Trailblazer [OTJ]
密輸人の驚き/Smuggler's Surprise [OTJ]
悔悟せぬ者、アクル/Akul the Unrepentant [OTJ]
アニーの加入/Annie Joins Up [OTJ]
乱伐者、ボニー・ポール/Bonny Pall, Clearcutter [OTJ]
爆発の仕掛け人、ブリーチェス/Breeches, the Blastmaker [OTJ]
放浪する牧場主、ブルース・タール/Bruse Tarl, Roving Rancher [OTJ]
詐欺師、エリエット/Eriette, the Beguiler [OTJ]
がめつい市長、カンバール/Kambal, Profiteering Mayor [OTJ]