力線の束縛/Leyline Binding [OTP]
マナ吸収/Mana Drain [OTP]
精神壊しの罠/Mindbreak Trap [OTP]
圧倒的武力/Overwhelming Forces [OTP]
思考囲い/Thoughtseize [OTP]
弾ける力/Crackle with Power [OTP]
不屈の独創力/Indomitable Creativity [OTP]
活性の力/Force of Vigor [OTP]
苦渋の破棄/Anguished Unmaking [OTP]
罪 + 罰/Crime + Punishment [OTP]
自我破摧/Fractured Identity [OTP]
王冠泥棒、オーコ/Oko, Thief of Crowns [OTP]
伝染病エンジン/Contagion Engine [OTP]
丸砥石/Grindstone [OTP]
精神隷属器/Mindslaver [OTP]
強者破り/Fell the Mighty [OTP]
最下層民/Pariah [OTP]
流刑への道/Path to Exile [OTP]
書庫の罠/Archive Trap [OTP]
大魔導師の魔除け/Archmage's Charm [OTP]
徴用/Commandeer [OTP]
インプの悪戯/Imp's Mischief [OTP]
再活性/Reanimate [OTP]
外科的摘出/Surgical Extraction [OTP]
集団的抵抗/Collective Defiance [OTP]
雷電支配/Electrodominance [OTP]
頭蓋割り/Skullcrack [OTP]
害獣の侵入/Pest Infestation [OTP]
原初の命令/Primal Command [OTP]
原初の力/Primal Might [OTP]
突然の衰微/Abrupt Decay [OTP]
魔性/Bedevil [OTP]
残酷な根本原理/Cruel Ultimatum [OTP]
大量破壊/Decimate [OTP]
拘留の宝球/Detention Sphere [OTP]
終わりなき迂回/Endless Detour [OTP]
イオン化/Ionize [OTP]
荒くれたちの笑い声/Outlaws' Merriment [OTP]
眼識の収集/Siphon Insight [OTP]
消失の詩句/Vanishing Verse [OTP]
悪逆な富/Villainous Wealth [OTP]
虚空裂き/Void Rend [OTP]
虚空粘/Voidslime [OTP]
未認可霊柩車/Unlicensed Hearse [OTP]
黄塵地帯/Dust Bowl [OTP]
激情の報復/Fierce Retribution [OTP]
未達への旅/Journey to Nowhere [OTP]
本質の把捉/Essence Capture [OTP]
排撃/Repulse [OTP]
無情な略奪/Heartless Pillage [OTP]
殺害/Murder [OTP]
投げ飛ばし/Fling [OTP]
批判家刺殺/Skewer the Critics [OTP]
直接射撃/Clear Shot [OTP]
棘竜巻/Thornado [OTP]
再来/Back for More [OTP]
庭園への埋設/Buried in the Garden [OTP]
断固たる否定/Decisive Denial [OTP]
妨げる光/Hindering Light [OTP]
侮辱/Humiliate [OTP]