払拭の光/Banishing Light [BLB]
勇敢族の二人組/Brave-Kin Duo [BLB]
人参ケーキ/Carrot Cake [BLB]
食べかす争い/Crumb and Get It [BLB]
剛胆な兎/Intrepid Rabbit [BLB]
一生の絆の二人組/Lifecreed Duo [BLB]
イラクサの護衛/Nettle Guard [BLB]
迅足対応/Rabbit Response [BLB]
超音波の一撃/Sonar Strike [BLB]
シスルダウンの演者/Thistledown Players [BLB]
巣穴の長老/Warren Elder [BLB]
吼える叫び屋/Bellowing Crier [BLB]
まばゆい拒絶/Dazzling Denial [BLB]
精神のらせん/Mind Spiral [BLB]
知識の真珠/Pearl of Wisdom [BLB]
共に逃走/Run Away Together [BLB]
下支え/Shore Up [BLB]
飛び跳ねる二人組/Skyskipper Duo [BLB]
瑪瑙刃の暗殺者/Agate-Blade Assassin [BLB]
骨縛りの語り部/Bonebind Orator [BLB]
短剣牙の二人組/Daggerfang Duo [BLB]
不吉見/Diresight [BLB]
夜の飢え/Nocturnal Hunger [BLB]
精神の渦巻き/Psychic Whorl [BLB]
山峡の略奪者/Ravine Raider [BLB]
堪能/Savor [BLB]
泥岩の鱗/Scales of Shale [BLB]
星明かりの真言者/Starlit Soothsayer [BLB]
茨鎧の威嚇者/Thornplate Intimidator [BLB]
瑪瑙の落石/Agate Assault [BLB]
アラニアの道拓き/Alania's Pathmaker [BLB]
焚き火花の二人組/Kindlespark Duo [BLB]
弱者の力/Might of the Meek [BLB]
アライグマの結集者/Raccoon Rallier [BLB]
サザキャップの醸造/Sazacap's Brew [BLB]
蒸気道の突撃者/Steampath Charger [BLB]
ポイ捨て/Take Out the Trash [BLB]
戦の囀り/War Squeak [BLB]
髭羽ペンの書記官/Whiskerquill Scribe [BLB]
パン職人を悩ませる二人組/Bakersbane Duo [BLB]
蓄え放題/Cache Grab [BLB]
鋤のドルイド/Druid of the Spade [BLB]
山積みの収穫/Heaped Harvest [BLB]
高潮渡り/High Stride [BLB]
長茎の乱闘/Longstalk Brawl [BLB]
オタマジャクシパンチ/Polliwallop [BLB]
くっつき舌の歩哨/Stickytongue Sentinel [BLB]
天気雨のドルイド/Sunshower Druid [BLB]
三本木の樹根織り/Three Tree Rootweaver [BLB]
樹守りの二人組/Treeguard Duo [BLB]
樹上の哨兵/Treetop Sentries [BLB]
燻る殺し屋/Cindering Cutthroat [BLB]
屍苺の耕作者/Corpseberry Cultivator [BLB]
住居の長/Head of the Homestead [BLB]
月の出の僧侶/Moonrise Cleric [BLB]
池の預言者/Pond Prophet [BLB]
大嵐の釣り人/Tempest Angler [BLB]
古参の護衛鼠/Veteran Guardmouse [BLB]
樹皮形態の収穫者/Barkform Harvester [BLB]
バンブルフラワー夫人の大鍋/Bumbleflower's Sharepot [BLB]