賞罰の天使/Angel of Sanctions [AKH]
試練に臨むギデオン/Gideon of the Trials [AKH]
信義の神オケチラ/Oketra the True [AKH]
予言により/As Foretold [AKH]
周到の神ケフネト/Kefnet the Mindful [AKH]
栄光の神バントゥ/Bontu the Glorified [AKH]
残酷な現実/Cruel Reality [AKH]
死の権威、リリアナ/Liliana, Death's Majesty [AKH]
戦闘の祝賀者/Combat Celebrant [AKH]
栄光の幕切れ/Glorious End [AKH]
熱烈の神ハゾレト/Hazoret the Fervent [AKH]
不屈の神ロナス/Rhonas the Indomitable [AKH]
生類の侍臣/Vizier of the Menagerie [AKH]
自然に仕える者、ニッサ/Nissa, Steward of Elements [AKH]
造反の代弁者、サムト/Samut, Voice of Dissent [AKH]
選定された行進/Anointed Procession [AKH]
副陽の接近/Approach of the Second Sun [AKH]
エイヴンの思考検閲者/Aven Mindcensor [AKH]
ギデオンの介入/Gideon's Intervention [AKH]
栄光半ばの修練者/Glory-Bound Initiate [AKH]
威厳あるカラカル/Regal Caracal [AKH]
黄昏+払暁/Dusk+Dawn [AKH]
秘法の管理者/Curator of Mysteries [AKH]
ドレイクの安息地/Drake Haven [AKH]
象形の守り手/Glyph Keeper[AKH]
新たな視点/New Perspectives [AKH]
明日からの引き寄せ/Pull from Tomorrow [AKH]
多面相の侍臣/Vizier of Many Faces [AKH]
暗記+記憶/Commit+Memory [AKH]
イフニルの魔神/Archfiend of Ifnir [AKH]
没収/Dispossess [AKH]
戦慄の放浪者/Dread Wanderer [AKH]
リリアナの支配/Liliana's Mastery [AKH]
疫病吹き/Plague Belcher [AKH]
葬送の影/Shadow of the Grave [AKH]
不帰+回帰/Never+Return [AKH]
栄光をもたらすもの/Glorybringer [AKH]
過酷な指導者/Harsh Mentor [AKH]
ハゾレトの指名/Hazoret's Favor [AKH]
心臓貫きのマンティコア/Heart-Piercer Manticore [AKH]
損魂魔道士/Soul-Scar Mage [AKH]
焼けつく双陽/Sweltering Suns [AKH]
嘲笑+負傷/Insult+Injury [AKH]
ロナスの勇者/Champion of Rhonas [AKH]
媒介者の修練者/Channeler Initiate [AKH]
収穫期/Harvest Season [AKH]
名誉あるハイドラ/Honored Hydra [AKH]
うろつく蛇豹/Prowling Serpopard [AKH]
サンドワームの収斂/Sandwurm Convergence [AKH]
食餌+給餌/Mouth+Feed [AKH]
ルクサの恵み/Bounty of the Luxa [AKH]
毒物の侍臣、ハパチラ/Hapatra, Vizier of Poisons [AKH]
蓋世の英雄、ネヘブ/Neheb, the Worthy [AKH]
ナクタムンの侍臣、テムメト/Temmet, Vizier of Naktamun [AKH]
枕戈+待旦/Prepare+Fight [AKH]
腹背+面従/Failure+Comply [AKH]
貧窮+裕福/Rags+Riches [AKH]
木端+微塵/Cut+Ribbons [AKH]
驚天+動地/Heaven+Earth [AKH]
神託者の大聖堂/Oracle's Vault [AKH]