天界の神盾/Aegis of the Heavens [M19]
霊気盾の工匠/Aethershield Artificer [M19]
アジャニの群れ仲間/Ajani's Pridemate [M19]
アジャニの歓迎/Ajani's Welcome [M19]
信仰の伝令/Herald of Faith [M19]
秘儀術師の檻/Hieromancer's Cage [M19]
騎士の勇気/Knightly Valor [M19]
レオニンの先兵/Leonin Vanguard [M19]
抗戦/Make a Stand [M19]
民兵のラッパ手/Militia Bugler [M19]
新米騎士/Novice Knight [M19]
防御牝馬/Shield Mare [M19]
霊気トンネル/Aether Tunnel [M19]
骨を灰に/Bone to Ash [M19]
旅立った甲板員/Departed Deckhand [M19]
排斥する魔道士/Exclusion Mage [M19]
地平の識者/Horizon Scholar [M19]
鏡像/Mirror Image [M19]
心理腐食/Psychic Corrosion [M19]
ふるい分け/Sift [M19]
技量ある活性師/Skilled Animator [M19]
睡眠/Sleep [M19]
波濤牝馬/Surge Mare [M19]
どんでん返し/Switcheroo [M19]
血占い/Blood Divination [M19]
戦墓のグール/Diregraf Ghoul [M19]
不吉な死霊/Fell Specter [M19]
グレイブディガー/Gravedigger [M19]
殺害/Murder [M19]
悪夢の渇望/Nightmare's Thirst [M19]
疫病牝馬/Plague Mare [M19]
貪欲なハーピー/Ravenous Harpy [M19]
組み直しの骸骨/Reassembling Skeleton [M19]
墓場からの復活/Rise from the Grave [M19]
縫い師への供給者/Stitcher's Supplier [M19]
吸血鬼の君主/Vampire Sovereign [M19]
二倍詠唱/Doublecast [M19]
ドラゴンの卵/Dragon Egg [M19]
焦熱の決着/Fiery Finish [M19]
どぶ潜み/Guttersnipe [M19]
業火のヘリオン/Inferno Hellion [M19]
稲妻牝馬/Lightning Mare [M19]
稲妻の一撃/Lightning Strike [M19]
包囲破りの巨人/Siegebreaker Giant [M19]
地盤の裂け目/Tectonic Rift [M19]
ドスン/Thud [M19]
火山のドラゴン/Volcanic Dragon [M19]
斉射の古参兵/Volley Veteran [M19]
ブランチウッドの鎧/Blanchwood Armor [M19]
巨大な威厳/Colossal Majesty [M19]
優位宣言/Declare Dominance [M19]
角のドルイド/Druid of Horns [M19]
緑探しのドライアド/Dryad Greenseeker [M19]
恐吠の双子/Ghastbark Twins [M19]
ギラプールの案内人/Ghirapur Guide [M19]
楽園の贈り物/Gift of Paradise [M19]
再利用の賢者/Reclamation Sage [M19]
喚起/Recollect [M19]
用心深いベイロス/Vigilant Baloth [M19]
蔦草牝馬/Vine Mare [M19]