終わりなき迂回/Endless Detour [OTP]
イオン化/Ionize [OTP]
荒くれたちの笑い声/Outlaws' Merriment [OTP]
眼識の収集/Siphon Insight [OTP]
消失の詩句/Vanishing Verse [OTP]
悪逆な富/Villainous Wealth [OTP]
虚空裂き/Void Rend [OTP]
虚空粘/Voidslime [OTP]
未認可霊柩車/Unlicensed Hearse [OTP]
黄塵地帯/Dust Bowl [OTP]
激情の報復/Fierce Retribution [OTP]
未達への旅/Journey to Nowhere [OTP]
本質の把捉/Essence Capture [OTP]
排撃/Repulse [OTP]
無情な略奪/Heartless Pillage [OTP]
殺害/Murder [OTP]
投げ飛ばし/Fling [OTP]
批判家刺殺/Skewer the Critics [OTP]
直接射撃/Clear Shot [OTP]
棘竜巻/Thornado [OTP]
再来/Back for More [OTP]
庭園への埋設/Buried in the Garden [OTP]
断固たる否定/Decisive Denial [OTP]
妨げる光/Hindering Light [OTP]
侮辱/Humiliate [OTP]
高熱仮説/Hypothesizzle [OTP]
騎乗追撃/Ride Down [OTP]
野蛮な一撃/Savage Smash [OTP]
終末の苦悶/Terminal Agony [OTP]
暴君の嘲笑/Tyrant's Scorn [OTP]
Fallout 統率者デッキ 4種セット
[サージFOIL] [ボーダレス] 不毛の大地/Wasteland [PIP]
オレリアの立証者/Aurelia's Vindicator [MKM]
世慣れた見張り、デルニー [MKM]
陰謀の解明者/Conspiracy Unraveler [MKM]
思考への侵入/Intrude on the Mind [MKM]
名うての殺人鬼、虐殺少女/Massacre Girl, Known Killer [MKM]
血管切り裂き魔/Vein Ripper [MKM]
早められた相続/Expedited Inheritance [MKM]
罪人の焼却者/Incinerator of the Guilty [MKM]
育殻組の誉れ/The Pride of Hull Clade [MKM]
下生えの偵察者/Undergrowth Recon [MKM]
正義の幽霊、アグルス・コス/Agrus Kos, Spirit of Justice [MKM]
捜査の達人、アルキスト・プロフト/Alquist Proft, Master Sleuth [MKM]
地震土竜、アンズラグ/Anzrag, the Quake-Mole [MKM]
命狙いの逃亡者、エトラータ/Etrata, Deadly Fugitive [MKM]
幽霊の裁き、ケイヤ/Kaya, Spirits' Justice [MKM]
カイロックスの電位闊歩機/Kylox's Voltstrider [MKM]
混沌の守護者、ラクドス/Rakdos, Patron of Chaos [MKM]
囁きの三姉妹、トロスターニ/Trostani, Three Whispers [MKM]
緊急の検死/Urgent Necropsy [MKM]
進化した謎、ヴァニファール/Vannifar, Evolved Enigma [MKM]
関係者の集合/Assemble the Players [MKM]
手つかずの饗宴の事件/Case of the Uneaten Feast [MKM]
門衛のスラル/Doorkeeper Thrull [MKM]
証人隠滅/No Witnesses [MKM]
第10管区の英雄/Tenth District Hero [MKM]
不撓の門番/Unyielding Gatekeeper [MKM]
ウォジェクの調査員/Wojek Investigator [MKM]
研究所荒らしの事件/Case of the Ransacked Lab [MKM]